Piano Tuning
Tuning is the adjustment in string tension to the correct pitch or frequency. When a piano is tuned correctly it will sound in harmony with itself and all other musical instruments, chords, octaves and intervals.
Remember, your piano is a living breathing thing! Wood continues to expand and contract with seasonal changes in temperature and humidity. The string tension fluctuates accordingly.
Every piano is designed to perform its best when tuned to A-440 (A-4 vibrates at 440 cycles per second), standard international pitch. It’s important that your piano maintain the correct pitch which allows you to play along with other instruments and singers. Vocalist are taught to sing on pitch. All other instruments are designed to the same standard pitch. When a piano is neglected, it is rendered unsuitable to play independently or with other musicians and can lead to a diminished market value.
Tone Building/Voicing
The adjustment of the piano’s tone quality and sound is often referred to as a voicing. The tone quality of the piano can be changed without changing the pitch or frequency. Qualified piano technicians can change the timber and personality of an instruments from bright and strong to a mellow and delicate. The amount of change will depend on the overall condition and design of the piano.
Minor Repairs
In general, minor repairs are those repairs that should be done in the home if at all possible. They include but are not limited to the following items; sticking keys, piano cleaning and lubricating action, repairs of broken strings, hammers, shanks, flanges, springs, etc. Done safely and correctly, in–home repairs can be more efficient and cost effective for the client.
Piano Transportation
ACE Piano Clinic takes all the hassle out selling your piano. We do all the leg work and with the provisions that payment is made only on the completed sale and that all unsold goods will be returned to the consignor.
Pitch Raising
A piano that has gone without tuning for an extended period will drop far below its designed performance pitch. It’s important to note pianos do not go sharp or flat uniformly. Strings invariably change independent of each other. A procedure technicians call ‘pitch raise’ may be required. A pitch raise is a tuning process that elevates the piano to the point that it will accept and hold an actual tuning by the technician.
Custom Regulation
Periodic mechanical service is required if action parts no longer provide consistent function when the piano is in use. Tuning a piano adjust strings and pins to a predetermined pitch. Action regulation is the adjustment in the mechanics of a piano. Dimensional changes in wooden parts created by humidity, cloth settling, felt or buckskin compression, as well as the effects of wear and tear, will eventually lead to an unplayable unit.
Like the moving parts of a fine watch, there is a teamwork aspect to piano regulation. The mechanical parts of a piano that transfers energy from the hand to the strings is known as the action. Dampers controls string vibration and sustainability. Levers, dowels and springs connect the pedals to the action and are considered the trapwork.
Rebuilding encompasses the entire piano including its structure, pin-block, strings, soundboard, bridges, and its action as well as the keyboard and case refinishing. The process involves totally disassembling, inspecting and repairing/replacement of all worn and damage parts, all strings and tuning pins, damper system, trap work, installation of new hammers and action parts, re-working hardware and a complete action regulation. A partial rebuild will only address one or two of these areas, such as; rebuilding the action and structure, but not refinishing the case.
Class “A” Rebuild
Total reconstruction of the entire piano. Refinish Cabinet / Replace Soundboard and Bridges / New Action / Keys Tops Recovered / Resurface Harp / Replace Pin- block / Restring Piano / Dampers / Regulation / Voicing / Tuning
Class “B” Rebuild
Replace or repair parts that will return the instrument to a high-performance level. Each class “B” rebuild will be a little different depending on the particular piano need. Again, the entire instrument must be taken under consideration for this to be done correctly.
Class “C” Rebuild
To repair or replace only those parts that are necessary to create a good quality sound and performance level. Each piano will require its very own diagnosis of service.
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Lease a piano starting at One Dollar A Day! The best thing to do in Tuff Times. Yes! Give your child both, Piano Lesson & A Piano